๐Ÿ๏ธTransformation/Evolution Items

Rusted Shield

Rusted Sword

Wellspring Mask

Teal Mask

Hearthflame Mask

Cornerstone Mask

Revealing Glass


DNA Splicer

Scroll of Waters/Darkness

Prison Bottle

Griseous Orb/Core

Lustrous Orb/Globe

Adamant Orb/Crystal


Metal Alloy

Rotom Furniture

Deoxys Meteor

Arceus Plates

Arceus Plates

NOTE: As of 05/26/24, plate recipes will use our custom Elemental Gems, NOT the official Cobblemon Mod gems. As such, please use the recipes listed on our Custom Battle Items page.

Blank Plate

Toxic Plate

Flame Plate

Iron Plate

Dread Plate

Zap Plate

Spooky Plate

Earth Plate

Stone Plate

Draco Plate

Meadow Plate

Fist Plate

Sky Plate

Mind Plate

Insect Plate

Splash Plate

Icicle Plate

Pixie Plate

Last updated